8. Time Wasters

The worst time waster is not to devote the greatest amount of your time to your key result areas. Use an effective time management system to eliminate that problem. There are, however, many other time wasters. The most frequent are set down below, together with suggestions for dealing with them. Some are so important that they are dealt with in more detail in other parts of this book.

Telephone Calls
When these occur during your most productive times they break your concentration and upset your train of thought. Tell your secretary or telephonist when you do not wish to take calls. Delegate routine enquiries and arrange a call back system for returning calls at a low priority time of your day.

The uninvited visitor
When this visitor walks into your office, stand up and walk towards him or her. Be polite and respond to quickly answerable questions. Do not offer a seat or sit down yourself. Explain that you are busy on an important task and suggest a more suitable time for a meeting. Walk towards the door.

Disorganized paperwork
Have a policy of handling each piece of paper once. File regularly

Over commitment
Being a willing worker very often results in overcommitment. Don't agree to take on too many tasks which are unimportant and which won't help you to achieve your goals. Learn to say 'No'. 

Travel and waiting
Use this time for your reading. Long journeys are also good opportunities to catch up on paperwork. Build that time into your schedule. Keep your time management system with you so that waiting can be put to good use.

Attend essential meetings only, and ensure that these are conducted in a business like manner. Be prepared for the meeting, and insist that other are prepared as well. End meetings in a polite manner.

Poor Communications 
Whether you are delegating or contracting with others, poor communications waste time. Make sure that other know the when, where, what and why of the task. Check to make sure that you know what they want.

Bad timekeeping
Bad timekeeping, whether late starts, early finishes or prolonged breaks, are total wastes of time and should be strictly controlled.

Lack of energy
Personal energy levels rise and fall throughout the day and the wee. Find out how your energy levels rise and fall. Schedule demanding tasks for your high energy times and complete your routine work during low energy times.

Poor health and lack of fitness
Poor health and condition can seriously affect all aspects of your life. Keep in shape with physically and mentally stimulating exercise. Eat a moderate and varied diet. Build in sufficient time for all aspects of your life, family, friends and other interests.