7. A time management system

Develop your own time management system, one that meets your needs and suits your way of doing things. One possible system involves annual, six monthly, monthly, weekly and daily planning activities. Do a little planning often. Increase the amount of time you spend on your key result areas by scheduling proactive tasks.

A few guidelines will help you plan your time:
  1. Maintain a tasks list within your time management system. Every time a new task arises write it into the task list together with the date by which it must be finished. 
  2. Routine make life easier. Develop routines such as opening and dealing with your mail first thing every morning. 
  3. Develop routine for your weekly and daily time planning. Many managers like to do their weekly planning for the following week last thing on a Friday. 
  4. Always leave unscheduled time to cope with emergencies, to meet colleagues and as an opportunity to think.

  1. Agree performance requirements with your boss. 
  2. Complete a project activities calendar showing the start and finish time of all the main activities which you intend to accomplish in the coming year. Avoid the temptation to front load into the first half of the year. 
  3. Complete a job analysis exercise least once a year 
  4. Agree job requirements with your subordinates