1. Personal Effectiveness

The first guide in this section sets out the characteristics of successful managers. The message is clear. Self management is the key to success as a manager. Put another way, the most important person you have to manage is yourself. In this section there are 17 guides to help you to be both effective and efficient in yourself for the challenging task of managing other people.
The first step in managing yourself is to manage your work. To do this, you must have a clear understanding about what you job entails. When people are asked to describe their jobs, their description very often differs significantly from their boss’s perception of the job. Frequently, they do not focus on the same areas. to be effective you must be sure that you are doing the right things. Firstly, you define your job by clarifying its purpose and the key work areas in which you are required to achieve results. Next you agree the standards of performance by which you will be measured with your boss. Finally, you set the context for your own work by developing an effective working relationship with your boss. The objective here is the development of an open, trusting and mutually supportive relationship.
Time management is an important part of being effective. It ensures that you spend your time on the right things, and that you make best use of this critical resource. The guides in this section provide a system to manage your time and to help you eliminate some of the most significant time wasters.
Managing yourself involves learning how to cope with the pressures of your job and the stress they put on your mind and body. The quality of your life both at work and at home will improve as you learn how to manage stress. You will also be able to support colleagues and subordinates who are under pressure at work.
The final guides in this section will enable you to manage your life through career planning, and will help you to assess one of life’s most important decisions-the career move.
When you have mastered these skills and are able to demonstrate personal effectiveness, you will be in a good position to start thinking about the work of others. 

